"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."--Margaret Mead
Small Asks —Follow us on socials, share our content, and invite friends. —Do you Canva? Help us with graphics. —Attend or watch a Board Meeting (3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm, 801 Corporate Centre Drive, O'Fallon) —Attend an FHForward social event, like 2nd Saturday Sit & Sip or the Candidate Meet & Greet —Send an email to your board members —Register to vote; encourage friends and family to do the same. | Bigger Tasks —Speak at a board meeting —Invite friends and family to your home, & introduce them to FHForward or endorsed candidates —Canvass for our candidates (knock doors and tell people about the election.) —Sponsor a campus club for your middle or high school —Take on a regular task or a leadership role with FHForward |